Word Lists

Articulation Word List
Below are lists of suggested words to use when practicing your child's sound at home. These words can be incorporated into a variety of the recommended articulation activities on the "Speech and Language Activities" page. 

ballerina, bedtime, beehive, berries bee, bunny, busy, butter, button, boy, banana
cowboy, robot, ladybug, baby, peek-a-boo, cheeseburger, strawberries, log cabin, neighbors
crab, cub, web, taxi cab, door knob, crib, job, ice cube, tube, grab

chain, chess, chest, chew, chick, chimpanzee, cheetah, cheesecake, cherries, chicken, 
beach ball, catcher, crutches, hatching, highchair, inches, ketchup, marching, touchdown, peaches, 
bench, beach, branch, bunch, catch, coach, couch, ditch, hatch, march

dancer, deer, desk, dishes, dog, doll, door, duck, dentist, desert
hot dog, ladder, lady, radish, reading, shadow, wedding, cheerleader, radio, rodeo 
bride, food, hand, bed, mud, parade, mermaid, sled, sand, wood

face, fan, farm, feed, feet, fence, phone, fox, fur, fudge, 
elephant, telephone, laughing, taffy, headphones, campfire, coffee, dolphin, buffalo, golfer
calf, cough, elf, loaf, leaf, thief, roof, laugh, giraffe, wolf
goat, gate, gift, gold, gum, game, girl, ghost, goose, gorilla 
dragon, hamburger, luggage, jogging, cougar, juggling, tiger, chewing gum, kangaroo, spaghetti
frog, bug, leg, dog, hug, log, slug, hot dog, bulldog, pig
hall, ham, hand, hard, house, heart, hammer, hat, hippo, hive
groundhog, beehive, lighthouse, birdhouse, grasshopper, hula hoop, seahorse, uphill, forehead, doll house
jam, jeans, jug, joey, jacket, jet, jump, jungle, juice, jar
badger, cages, magic, edges, agent, high jump, pages, object, soldier, subject
stage, fudge, cage, bridge, edge, age, huge, judge, page, cabbage
can, key, car, comb, cat, cow, kids, corn, candy, kangaroo
chicken, raccoon, bacon, pumpkin, rocket, peacock, bakery, helicopter, vacation, apricot
sock, snack, walk, stick, truck, block, snake, steak, snowflake, magic

lake, lamb, lamp, laugh, lawn, leaf, leak, legs, limb, lime
balloon, bowling, collar, dollar, elbow, eyelashes, jelly, necklace, pillow, pilot
ball, bell, bowl, bull, doll, eel, heel, mail, mule, nail

blanket, blocks, blue, blink, blank, blackberry, blood, blurry, blush, problem
clothing, cloud, clock, clap, cloud, clam, club, close, clarinet, classroom
glad, globe, glass, glow, glove, glitter, glue, glass, glider, glasses
float, flip, flop, flag, flat, floor, flower, floss, fly, flat
plane, plant, plow, place, plot, planet, plank, plus, play, please
slip, slide, sling, sled, slap, slim, sleep, sleeve, slow, slug
mouse, milk, mail, mop, math, mess, moon, man, match, mitt
plumber, summer, timer, woman, lemon, hammer, swimming, drummer, number, chimney
clam, aim, game, comb, ram, home, time, lamb, lime, climb
nap, nest, necklace, neck, need, knife, knock, know, knee, nurse
planet, many, dinner, pony, any, canoe, banana, sunglasses, dinosaur, rainbow
brown, cone, fun, down, train, green, spoon, bun, can, chain 
pencil, pelican, party, pig, pals, pickles, penguin, penny, pony, parrot 
leopard, diaper, hippo, apple, grasshopper, zipper, mopping, octopus, napping, zookeeper
jeep, lamp, mop, ape, soup, tulip, ship, tape, sheep, asleep

raft, ram, rain, rash, rat, read, road, robe, rope, rose
airplane, arm, bird, carrots, earrings, cherries, giraffe iron, horse, lizard, 
bear, car, chair, deer, door, ear, fire, floor, four, hair
bread, broom, bridge, brick, brow, braid, break, breeze, bride, bring
crayon, crab, cry, crane, craft, crate, cream, crumb, Chris, crow
draw, drum, drill, dragon, drive, drape, drag, dream, dreary, dry
fries, frog, frame, friends, France, fresh, freeze, free, fry, Friday
grapes, grass, grill, great, grade, grip, growl, grandpa, angry, hungry, 
prince, present, pretzel, printer, prize, practice, protect, price, apricot, footprint 
sale, salt, sand, saw, seal, sew, sick, sign sing, sit, soap
baseball, bracelet, castle, dancer, fussy, glasses, icing, possum, bathing suit, whistle
boss, box, bus, chess, class, dice, dress, face, fence, fox

skunk, skirt, skeleton, skateboard, scarecrow, skates, school bus, scarf, skin, scoop
slippers, sling, sleeping, slide, slug, sled, sleeve, slip, sloth, sleigh, slime, slouch, slice
smile, smell, smoke, smash, small, smokestack, smart, smart, smirk, smooth
snail, sneeze, snake, snore, snow, sneakers, snuggle, snowmobile, snowman, snapdragon
spider, spoon, spool, spaghetti, sports car, spaceman, spill, spooky, speaker, speed
stairs, stamp, star stop, student, stove, storm, stork, store, story
sweater, swing, sweep, swim, swan, sweatpants, sweet, swimsuit, swing, swallow

chef, shoe, shapes, sheep, ship, shirt, shells, shut, short, show
Celebration, bushes, cashier, dishes, fishing, flashlight, fractions, horseshoe, lotion, milkshake
brush, cash, dish, fish, leash, push, splash, squash, trash, wash

teeth, tie, tire, toad, toast, toys, two, teacher, tiger, telephone
button, cheetah, guitar, kitten, photos, skater, sweater, mittens, waiter, anteater
ant, bat, boat, boot, cat, coat, fruit, goat, hat, bracelet 

thorn, thin, three, thimble, thumb, thunder, thick, thigh, thousand, thief, 
bathtub, earthworm, athlete, bathrobe, toothache, toothbrush, panther, python, toothpaste, birthdaygrandmother
bath, broth, cloth, earth, fifth, math, mouth, teeth, tooth, wreath 
van, vase, vest, vet, vine, valentine, visit, violin, volcano, volleyball
Beaver, clover, driveway, ivy, seven, shaving, carnival, envelope, screwdriver, seventy

cave, dove, glove, beehive, olive, sleeve, five, love, drive, give
worm, wait, walk, wild, wall, world, want, wings, warm, wash
yard, yarn, year, yellow, yell, young, your, yesterday, yes, yawn
kayak, lawyer, yo-yo, New York, royal, lanyard, layer, mayor

zoo, zebra, zero, zigzag, zipper, zoom, Zachzinnia, zombie, zoologist, zucchini
bulldozer, magazine, music, newspaper, television, blizzard, cheesecake, closet, cousin, daisy
beads, bears, bees, boys, bugs, cheese, dogs, eggs, jeans, keys